Medical treatments for wrinkles & fine lines

The appearance of deeper wrinkles and fine lines is likely something you’ve noticed after a certain age. As we get older, these signs become more pronounced and harder to accept. If that rings true for you, we invite you to try a rejuvenating treatment here at Lavana Medical Aesthetics. We offer not only injectables but laser procedures as well, all with the intention of helping you look and feel your absolute best.

If you already have wrinkles, you’ll be happy to know that there are treatments available. Here at our Calgary office, we provide popular injectables like BOTOX® Cosmetic and treatment packages like the Fotona 3D. The right option for you will depend on your specific needs.

Medical Treatments For Fine Lines

What causes wrinkles?

Wrinkles and fine lines form and become deeper due to collagen loss. Facial movements and sun exposure can also play a big role in making the issue worse. The first of these three causes, unfortunately, can’t be avoided. After age 20, the collagen and elastin content in our skin declines at a more rapid pace, leading to advanced aging.

Causes Wrinkles and fine lines

What are the signs?

Fine lines are easy to detect. They appear around the mouth, on the forehead, and especially around the eyes. In some cases, people as young as 25 may notice the appearance of these aging signs. Taking care of your body, especially by applying sunscreen, can go a long way in staving off wrinkles.

Signs Of Wrinkles And FineLines

Before & After Photos

Lavana is proud to offer a range of anti-aging solutions. Whether you are taking preventative measures or are looking to correct a skin concern, we have you covered. Take a look at these before and after pictures from treatments we offer at Lavana.

Wrinkles Fine lines Before After Image 1