Effective treatment options for hair loss

With proper treatment, hair loss can be stalled for a long time. Recent advances in aesthetics have made it possible to keep your hair for years, even after you’ve noticed signs of thinning. At Lavana, we offer both injectable and laser solutions to make that possible. These treatments take little time and can prevent further loss, helping you maintain your look.

At Lavana, we provide our clients with the HAIRestart® treatment and Platelet-rich Plasma injections. Both options are non-surgical and require little downtime afterward. To learn more about each treatment, we welcome you to schedule a consultation here at our Calgary office.



Hair loss appointment

What causes hair loss?

One of the main contributing factors is genetics. There is little we can do to completely prevent the process from starting, but it is important to begin treatments early. Treatments help decrease hair thinning and stimulate shrinking follicles. By stalling hair loss, you can enjoy your hair for far longer than if you had never opted for treatment.

Hair loss cause

What are the signs?

The signs often follow a common pattern. The characteristic signs include a gradual thinning on top of the head and shrinking of hair follicles leading to finer hairs. You might also notice bald spots and the recession of your hairline. It is best to begin treatment before these signs become too visible.

Hair loss sign

Before & After Photos

Restoring your hair and bringing it back to life has never been easier. Here are before and after pictures of hair restoration treatments we offer at Lavana.