Non-surgical and transformative results.

A loss of facial plumpness is something everyone experiences. The problem arises from natural aging, but the good news is that there is something you can do about it. If you’ve noticed signs of facial volume loss, our team at Lavana Medical Aesthetics can help. We offer several Fotona treatment packages along with dermal fillers to help restore your look. Our treatments are non-surgical and provide transformative results.

Transformative Result Image

What causes facial volume loss?

Collagen loss is the main thing responsible for this and other aging signs. This issue is accompanied by subcutaneous fat loss. The resulting loss of elasticity and plumpness gives your face the characteristic signs of volume loss. The best way to regain these proteins and restore your look is through skin tightening and facial rejuvenation treatments.

Causes Facial Volume Loss

What are the signs?

Hollow cheeks and thin lips are perhaps the most telling signs of facial volume loss. These structural changes usually begin around your 30s and get worse over time. If you feel that your face has become thinner, your skin has begun to sag, and the youthfulness of your complexion has diminished, our treatments may be right for you.

Signs Of Facial Volume

Before & After Photos

We offer many customised treatments at Lavana to restore lost volume. Here are before and after pictures from treatments we offer at Lavana.