Medical Treatments for submental fat or double chin.

Fat removal doesn’t always have to involve surgery. When it comes to submental fat, or “double chin” fat, a simple set of injections can be enough to give you the profile you want. The process is easy and is done using our deoxycholic acid injectable here at Lavana Medical Aesthetics. This treatment requires little downtime and can give you beautiful results that last.

Medical Treatments For Double Chin

How does a double chin form?

Submental fat can collect under your chin after weight gain. When we eat more calories than we use as energy, the excess gets stored as fat, and that fat can end up just about anywhere. The amount of fat you have in a specific area depends on your genetics and body structure. Some people store more fat in their bellies, while others develop double chins. These pockets of lingering fat can not only be annoying but can cause us to feel self-conscious about ourselves as well.

Double Chin Form

What are the signs?

A double chin is a collection of fat and loose skin under the chin. The name comes from the appearance of an “extra” chin due to the fat. This isn’t a medical condition, nor does it cause health complications. However, many feel unhappy with the appearance of submental fat and try to get rid of it. Sadly, there are no exercises that can help shed that area of fat. Therefore, a deoxycholic acid treatment may be a great option.

Signs Of Double Chin

Before & After Photos

Deoxycholic Acid injections are an effective way to rid unwanted fat under the chin. Here are some before and after pictures from the fat dissolving treatment we offer at Lavana.