Medical treatments for acne & acne scaring.

Both teens and adults can struggle with acne issues. The appearance of acne and acne scarring often affects us even below the surface. If your self-esteem has been disrupted by these issues, our team at Lavana is ready to help you rediscover your beauty. We offer a range of non-invasive solutions to give you back control over your skin and your happiness.

Treatments for Acne and Acne Scaring

How do acne and acne scarring occur?

Acne and acne scarring are caused by the buildup of bacteria in our pores. Some people are unfortunate enough to have worse acne than others due to their genes and environments. After a breakout, acne scars form when our bodies rapidly release collagen to counteract the damage. As a result of this rapid release, our skin becomes thicker and less flexible, giving it that characteristic bumpy texture.

Acne and Acne Scar Occur

What are the signs?

Of all the areas, having acne on your face and forehead can be the most noticeable. Typical signs include the appearance of whiteheads, blackheads, uneven skin texture, and tender lumps. These concerns can cause pain and irritation. If you’re struggling with acne and acne scarring, we can provide you with several solutions to help you look and feel great again.

Signs Of Acne Scar

Before & After Photos

We offer a range of solutions for active acne and acne scarring. From medical grade skin care and facials to laser and medical needling, we can help your skin get back on track. Here are some before and after pictures from acne and acne scarring treatments we offer at Lavana.